Highlights Along the Way
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Blogging has been a profession for me for over 7 years!  I absolutely love being about to blog from home as a way to support my family.  Followers of our two blogs have been asking me for years to share about how we did it.  People choose to blog for so many reasons but sometimes simply don’t know where to start.  Whether you are hoping to start a deal blog, parenting blog, lifestyle blog, fashion blog, Disney blog, or any of the other niches out there; I hope this is helpful to you!

Learning to blog is not difficult, but it does take time.  In this section I have shared about my personal blogging goals as well as resources on how to start your own blog.  The idea of blogging can be overwhelming, but I hope to make the steps easy if you want to start! Please do not hesitate to ask questions or leave suggestions for future posts in our comment section! This blogging resource section is truly here to help our readers!

My blogging career came as a bit of a surprise.  San Diego Deals and Steals is still a popular resource for families who want to save money in San Diego.  When I started blogging I honestly had no idea I could even make money.  Blogging about something you are genuinely interested will ring true with others who share your passions. I simply wrote about deals I found in my own words. As my audience grew offers to partner began rolling in. First, offers for products or services in exchange for a shout out, and then offers for pay! We began selling advertising slots and using affiliate links. My little hobby blog was bringing in  Our deal blog continues to bring in new and old readers.

In our blogging category I plan on sharing simple ways to make your blog better.  If you are looking to grow your hobby blog into an opportunity to make money, check out ‘how to make money blogging’.  Social media can be hard to understand for some, while I am by no means an expert, I am happy to help newbies learn!  Growing your social media and subscribers is a great way to gain an audience.  Many people have thought about starting a blog and simply get overwhelmed.  Check out How To Start a Blog first!  If you want to grow your blog I hope this is a valuable resource for you!  Thank you so much for visiting with us!

Don’t forget to subscribe! All of our blogging resources are completely free.  We do truly hope that you will consider subscribing to our blog – this helps our little home business grow as well, we truly appreciate every blog subscriber! This is free and confidential, nobody else will get your email address.  Subscribing to our blog makes sure you never miss a post that will encourage you in your blogging journey!