Highlights Along the Way
Family Travel, Treats, Tips, & Traditions

Easter Bunny in our Backyard!

Pro tip – Photoshop a picture of the Easter Bunny in your back yard and show it to the kids! This is a favorite memory for our kids. This is a fun and easy Easter tradition that your children are sure to love too!


In our never ending quest to keep our kids young as long as possible we snapped this picture of the Easter Bunny in our backyard last year!  One of the perks of Daddy being a graphic designer is he can create this kind of magic for the kiddies!  We told the kids that we would set up the camera pointed at the back yard and we would put the motion sensor on.  As soon as there was movement in the backyard the camera would snap a picture! Our camera of course has no such feature….. but Daddy played on photoshop for a couple minutes and came up with this picture above.  Feel free to share with your kiddies!

PS – our kids have kinda started questioning the Easter Bunny, but as they discussed him last year I think they talked themselves into another year or two of believing.  They decided it was ridiculous to believe a bunny could do what the Easter Bunny does. How could a bunny get all around the world? He doesn’t have a sleigh like Santa.  Also, every Easter Bunny we see is a dude in a suit, not ‘real’ like Santa.  And then it hit them – CLEARLY Santa is the Easter Bunny!  Santa doesn’t have anything to do in March / April, Santa has a sleigh, and who is to say the guy in the Bunny suit isn’t Santa?!  I feared they would try to pull the Easter Bunny’s head off at a community Egg Hunt Scooby Doo style to test their theory – but thankfully they didn’t.  Even though they have no physical evidence, they feel they have enough circumstantial evidence to fully go with that theory.  So anyway, I guess this isn’t the Easter Bunny in our Backyard, it’s a picture of Santa in their backyard! 😉

For those who celebrate – Happy Easter to you!


Until Next Time ~ Kate
Categories:  DIY, Entertainment, Family, Kids
  1. Kristene Hanson says:

    This is awesome!!! What a great idea I bet my kiddos would absolutely flip hehehe

  2. Lisa says:

    My kids would love this! We wrote them a letter from Santa at Christmas that my son still had on display in his room. Keeping the magic alive!

  3. Devon F says:

    So cute! Thanks for sharing! My daughter will get a kick out of the Easter bunny being spotted 😉

  4. Jennifer T says:

    This is too funny! We are having to try new things all the time to keep our 8 year old believing in the magic too. I’m not ready for him to not believe anymore. =)

  5. Alicis Martinez says:

    Great idea.

  6. Alice says:

    My 4 year old already figured it out! lol Happy Easter

    • Kate says:

      That is awesome! LOL – our kids are pretty smart but they are still totally into everything – Santa, Easter Bunny, leprechauns, everything!

  7. Dinah G says:

    Can’t wait for Easter. My niece is excited.

  8. Elizabeth says:

    I was totally fooled (and impressed that you had a bunny suit) until I read the article! My kids are still believers at 9 and 5., I’m thinking we are close to the end of “magical thinking” for oldest.

  9. Hesedguy says:

    I’m not a parent yet, but I love it when I see parents don’t cup things like this for their kids.

  10. Nicole says:

    This is such a cute idea. Totally stealing it! 🙂

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