Highlights Along the Way
Family Travel, Treats, Tips, & Traditions

Alice coloring sheet and printables

Alice and Wonderland is a classic children’s story!  Alice Through the Looking Glass, but Disney was equally as fun and fantastic. Here are beautiful Alice through the Looking Glass coloring sheets and printable activity sheets. Print out these adorable Alice and Wonderland high resolution printables from your home computer. Thank you to Disney for allowing us to share these licensed and authentic printables for people to print from home or school!

Alice coloring sheetAlice Through the Looking Glass is almost here!  This highly anticipated sequel opens in US theaters on May 27, 2016. We are thrilled to share these Alice coloring pages and also some other fun Alice Through the Looking Glass printables with our readers. As always, these Alice coloring sheets and activities are completely free – you don’t even have to sign up for anything. Just click and print high resolution coloring pages and printables from your own computer. Simple click on the printable (or printables) you want to use and print – it is that simple.

Alice coloring sheets – Scroll to the bottom of post.

Our family is very budget conscience and these free printables and Alice coloring sheets from Disney have been a great source of fun for our kids!  We have used free printables as just a fun way to get excited about a movie that is coming soon, but also as practically free birthday decorations and activities. We always go through our free printables library on extra hot days and rainy days as well. I’d love for you to follow my free printables board on pinterest – we add more as often as we can.

Please scroll to the bottom and click on as many as you would like to print!

And below is the official boiler plate…..

“In Disney’s “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” an all-new spectacular adventure featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Underland to save her friend the Mad Hatter. Directed by James Bobin, who brings a unique vision to the spectacular world Tim Burton created on screen in “Alice in Wonderland,” the film is written by Linda Woolverton based on characters created by Lewis Carroll and produced by Joe Roth, Suzanne Todd and Jennifer Todd and Tim Burton with John G. Scotti serving as executive producer. “Alice Through the Looking Glass” reunites the all-star cast from the worldwide blockbuster phenomenon, including: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Mia Wasikowska, Matt Lucas and Helena Bonham Carter along with the voices of Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen and Timothy Spall. We are also introduced to several new characters: Zanik Hightopp (Rhys Ifans), the Mad Hatter’s father and Time himself (Sacha Baron Cohen), a peculiar creature who is part human, part clock.

Alice Kingsleigh (Wasikowska) has spent the past three years sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London, she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the fantastical realm of Underland. Reuniting with her friends the White Rabbit, Absolem, the White Queen and the Cheshire Cat, Alice must save the Hatter and Underland itself, before time runs out.”

Alice through the looking glass

Alice (Mia Wasikowska) returns to the whimsical world of Underland in Disney’s ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, an all-new adventure featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories.


I hope you enjoy these free printables – we will share more about Alice Through the Looking Glass as we get closer to the release – if you want to grab your tickets now – buy them through my Fandango Link (affiliate). Make sure you have a seat and skip the line at the theater – everyone wins!

Alice Through The Looking Glass Alice coloring sheet Mad Hatter coloring sheet Alice Through The Looking Glass Cheshire cat coloring sheet Alice Through The Looking Glass coloring sheet Alice Through The Looking Glass White Rabbit coloring sheetAlice printable mazeAlice printable spot the differenceAlice printable bookmarksAlice printable bookmarksAlice printable bookmarksAlice printable bookmarksAlice printable bookmarks

Until Next Time ~ Kate

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