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Cesar Chavez Coloring Page FREE Printable Activity Sheet

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Free Printable activity sheet for Cesar Chavez Day and Hispanic Heritage Month. Cesar Chavez day is celebrated on March 31st in the United States of America. Cesar Chavez was the leader of the labor rights movement. Please feel free to help your classroom honor Chavez with this free instant download Cesar Chavez coloring page. Please invite your students to write something important about him in the lines provided.

Cesar Chavez Day is a U.S. federal commemorative holiday, proclaimed by President Barack Obama in 2014. The holiday celebrates the birth and legacy of the civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez on March 31 every year.

Real history is essential to teach children so our country can continue to build on its progress. Educating children on the difficult and even shameful moments in our past are how we heal and grow. While many school districts across the United States are attempting to minimize the work of Cesar Chavez and even eliminate curriculum about labor rights and Chavez’s contribution, my hope is that many teachers and home educators will use these free printable Cesar Chavez activity sheets. Please share this site and our library of educational coloring pages with your fellow teachers and students.

Cesar Chavez Coloring Page

Cesar Chavez Coloring page instant download free printable

Simply click the image above and print from home or school.

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Until Next Time ~ Kate
Categories:  printables
  1. […] Click to get a full sized high resolution coloring page of Cesar Chavez […]

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